Wild Woman’s Circle™

How’s your relationship to yourself? What are you yearning for? What is your expression as a woman? 

Wild Woman

First of all the Wild Woman is an Archetype and it is a part of each of us. A wild woman is connected to her inherent nature and to nature around. The Wild Woman’s Work is rooted in Kashmiri Shaivism - my teacher, Michaela, is the lineage holder of this female Tantric Tradition.

The Wild Woman’s Circle provides a space of embodiment, empowerment and exploration. Knowing about and learning to navigate the life force of our bodies supports us to flow with what our bodies are built for.

Empowerment through embodiment


Living in a woman’s body we definitely source our energy from the lower body. And still in those modern stressful times our energy tends to be up in the head and our bodies become numb and disconnected. At this point coping mechanisms easily hack in: overeating, submerging into TV, social media other addictions.

With excessive thinking comes headache, tension in jaw and fascial features, neck and back pain.

Through sensitizing the body we become more receptive in hearing the messages of the body. Embodiment in the context of this work and these practices means coming home to the body in the sense of trusting our bodies so that our bodies trusts us - again, through feeling all our feelings ‚the good and the ugly´.


Discovering ones different expressions as a woman is fun and very powerful. And it’s also a choice and makes us more autonomous through self-governance. Anyone can be anything they want in an empowered way, so that their true nature can arise and so that life force can move through them, in any chosen way.

Relaxing the nervous system

A calm nervous system prepares the ground for a rich, sensuous and joyful life. When we are in a driven mode our body tends to be tense, stuck, achy. The more we sensitize and become aware of this mode we can counteract through simple movement in the lower body area, the center of the body, where ideally all movement is coming from.



Challenges in whatever area of our lives can lead us to stress and tension. And then the connection to the body gets lost. Continual engagement with our bodies in a certain way leads to being attuned to a successful and stressed life and still connecting to aliveness and sensuousness.

We can create new habits through practice and gradually override old ones. As the movement in hips, thighs and lower body parts is inherent to us the body easily remembers.

Through creating beauty, simple ritual and exploring our senses we do not only engage our bodies, but also our minds and emotions.

Above all is love and care for yourself. The practices are chosen in a way to serve you and not be another task to fulfill. It’s about more joy, more pleasure, being here and acting from a more relaxed and full place.


  • Learning through resonance with and through other women’s bodies.

  • Sensitizing to what’s going on somatically, emotionally, mentally.

  • Working with the energetic body for more aliveness.

  • Exploring and developing different expressions through movement.

  • Balancing the go and flow mode, as a means of accessing sensual aliveness much easier.

  • Connecting to ritual as an anchor for every day life beauty and sensuousness.

  • Letting yourself be guided through deeply relaxing and pleasurable practice.

  • Connecting and sharing through partnered exercises.

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